Sunday, April 6, 2014

Poem 6/30 - Widow's Window

Slowly taking the last drag of a cigarette
Exhaling, puffing out of the open window
The smoky cloud, flying up
Mingling into overcast skies above.
She sits and silently closes the panes,
Wondering when her own heart
Became as clear and fragile as this glass.

Sipping away from sobriety and memories,
She watches the beige and brown lawn below
Return to the lush green grass that greeted them
When moving into their first new home.
She shrinks at the sight of now brooding heights
Of the saplings they planted together
In celebration of a first year anniversary.
Only a bird’s chirp transports her back
Once again to the realty of his absence.

Inside, the bedroom that once hummed
Lit with the plans for a future of possibilities,
Now blacked-out by the whispers;
Questioning the reasons for what’s unexplainable
Why she sits alone now and still
Listens for years to hear his steps on the stairs.
Hating that she let him go out that night
With his, mistress of the road, Corvette
Whose seduction led to the accident
That stole their vow, ‘til death do us part,
Much too soon

Now as she sits watching
Raindrops softly tap,
Collecting against the window
Yet, confused why they streak down her cheeks
Wondering when her own heart
Became as clear and fragile as this glass.

Prompt from 

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