Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Poem 1/30 - Flight

Flashing lights announcing his arrival
Prelim questions roll off the nurse’s lips
Racing to beat the wheels of his stretcher
On it, a half-conscious man
Who’s already lived his life more than those trying to save it

Covered with patches of blackish-blue contusions
All stitched and laced together with lacerations
From head to toe
Doctors working furiously to reconstruct
This falling apart rag doll

In rushes his father
His mouth unable to verbalize
The exclamatory statements in his eyes
Faith shaken by his sight
His belief in band-aids and Neosporin shattered
Saved, only by the familiar smile
On his son’s unfamiliar face
But why?
He smiles.
Swollen eyes blacked out
Re-lit only by his memories
Remembering his body hours before

How his feet and pedals waltzed uphill on his mountain bike
How adrenaline pumped through his veins
Faster than his heart or breaks could stop
How his ears laughed at the warnings left behind
As he smelled his opportunity to fly grow near
How for a moment
Icarus’s dream became his realty
As his hand released the limitations of his handlebars
Just for a better reach

Even in decent, he smiled
Braced for impact
Prepared for pain
Now lying here, anxiously awaiting
For healing's release, allowing him to attempt again

That’s why
In this crash-landed body
Where he learned to fly
He smiled.
Prompt from www.napowrimo.net and http://bibliomancyoracle.tumblr.com/askoracle
Write a poem based on the quotation the oracle provides:

"Sometimes ugly equals invaluable, sometime the most beautiful things are not pretty. Sometimes I drip with vulnerability and it flops, clumsy."
from naked in front of strangers #5 by Kimberly Nichols 

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